The confetti’s settled, the resolutions scribbled, and a fresh sheet of possibilities crackles in the air. But before you charge into “hustle harder” mode, let’s pause and ask: what fuels your fire?
It’s not just about setting goals, it’s about rediscovering your “why” – the heart that beats behind your brand. Why do you do what you do? What fuels your passion, beyond the bottom line?
In this age of fleeting trends, a crystal-clear “why” is your North Star, guiding your decisions, your message, and even your hires. It’s not just navel-gazing, it’s rocket fuel for success. Here’s why:
Lush is a great example of how purpose can transform a business. Remember the vibrant cosmetics brand with its hand-rolled bath bombs and funky smells?
For years, Lush focused on quirky products and unique experiences. But in 2007, they underwent a “Green Revolution,” putting their environmental and ethical values at the core of their brand identity.
Their “why” transformed from selling soap to saving the planet.
This wasn’t just greenwashing. Lush became vocal about fighting animal testing, reducing plastic waste, and supporting sustainable farming. They embraced transparency, showing every ingredient’s origin and impact.
The results improved their ROI
Lush’s story is a powerful reminder that communicating your “why” can be a potent marketing tool. It’s not just about profit, it’s about making a difference. When customers and employees believe in your mission, they become passionate advocates, boosting your brand and your bottom line.
Here’s how to unearth your buried treasure:
If you are feeling stuck, we are offering brand “why” clarity workshops all January! Email us to reserve your spot and fuel your brand’s purpose fire.
Wishing you a purposeful 2024!
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